The Problem

One fourth of the world’s population live in Frontier Unreached People Groups (FPGs).

These groups are less than 1/10th of a percent Christian, with no evidence of a gospel movement. Until something changes—nearly every household among them will live and die without ever knowing a believer, let alone the love of their heavenly Father.

Population growth means this situation gets worse with each passing year.
The population of unreached people groups has doubled over the last 40 years.

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The Solution

Acts-like Gospel Movements

Wherever contagious communities of believing households are established, Acts-like gospel movements can rapidly multiply God’s blessing. In recent decades, at least 660 gospel movements are reported to have yielded 68 million active disciples in rapidly reproducing churches. Even as you read this, the Holy Spirit is bringing the blessing of God to people group after people group through such gospel movements!

Movements are outpacing population growth in many of these movements!

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Your Role

Join the Prayer Movement

Informed prayer is the foundation of every gospel movement. The Pray for the 31 Prayer Guide will inform your prayers. Offer Jesus a year of praying for gospel movements among these overlooked people groups. Invite others to join you. Ask the Holy Spirit to guide you. See what God will do!

Informed prayer is the first domino in the sequence that leads to gospel movements among Frontier People Groups.

Give Jesus a Billion


The 31

Nearly a billion people—more than 10% of the world—live in these 31 Frontier People Groups,
with less than one household among 1,000 enjoying God’s blessing in Jesus.

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